Wednesday 24 April 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Rhinoceros

(Africa, India, Southeast Asia)

   Rolling in the mud or dust may keep the mites off. Or it may just feel good. Whichever, rhinos love to do it.
   They don’t hunt for prey, but rhinos and other African herbivores, like elephants and Cape buffalos, can still be dangerous.
   A rhinoceros will challenge another male with a stare. If that doesn’t work, its horn can do a lot of damage.
   White rhinos are not actually white. Then how did they get their name?
   The magnificent rhinoceros horn. It has cost many rhinos their lives.
   Once, rhinos roamed Asia. Now, they’re almost gone.
   Video: With their thick hides and sharp horns, rhinos may look tough, but they’re no match for bullets. These majestic creatures have been nearly wiped out, by people who shoot them just for their horns.
   Advice: A rhino has poor eyesight. Stay downwind, and move slowly and quietly around rhinos. If you don’t know which direction is downwind, you’d better stay at home!

Next: A rhinoceros looks big and heavy, but it can run surprisingly fast. The same applies to another heavyweight: the hippopotamus.

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