Wednesday 10 April 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Australian Sea Wasp (Box Jellyfish)

(North Australian waters)

   Lookalikes? Yes. But the Australian sea wasp is a single jellyfish, whereas the man-of-war is more of a community.
   Jellyfish even live in the icy Arctic Ocean! But they’re not alone.
   Like jellyfish, anemones also sting their prey.
   This is the anemone, a close relative of the jellyfish. As is the Australian sea wasp.
   If you’re diving in Australian waters, watch out. The sea wasp has hard-to-see tentacles and deadly venom.
   Video: How can something so delicate be alive? You can see right through many jellyfish. To us land-dwellers, the oceans are alien worlds, full of beautiful and mysterious creatures.
   Advice: In Australia, some lifeguards wear pantyhose to protect themselves against jellyfish stings. It’s better to look silly than to have to call an ambulance! But the safest practice is: when sea wasps come floating in, swimmers come running out.

Next: A sea wasp looks delicate, but it’s an extremely dangerous jellyfish. Another beautiful but venomous marine animal is the sea snake.

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