Sunday 14 April 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Spiders

   Why bother with camouflage when you’re a mouthful of spikes, like the spiny orb weaver?
   The spider has eight legs and injects venom into its prey, just like another arachnid: the scorpion.
   Cleverly concealed, the underground burrow of the trapdoor spider is a refuge – and a trap for its prey.
   Busy, busy, busy! House and garden spiders clean up those troublesome insects for us.
   If you could manage to look like a flower, you too could catch insects, like the crab spider.
   The spider’s web. It develops from a liquid in the spinneret organs, to a tough silk-like thread, into a work of art.
   Home furnishings! Cave spiders spin webs near the entrance to trap food, and hang egg sacs from the ceiling.
   Do you live near the Amazon River Rainforest? Well, if you do, watch out for the venomous Brazilian wandering spider.
   Video: Spiders are tricky creatures. Some spiders spin intricate webs to trap their prey. Others, like the trapdoor spider, rely on the element of surprise.
   Advice: Imagine being able to coordinate eight legs and several sets of eyes! Some days, I can barely walk in a straight line and focus on what’s ahead!

Next: Do spiders give you the creeps? What about cockroaches?

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