Thursday 11 April 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Sea Snake

(Tropical seas worldwide, except Atlantic Ocean)

   They are snakes, and not fish. And sea snakes come up to breathe. Where? In the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
   Nice relatives! The sea snake counts the cobra, the coral snake, the mamba and the krait as family.
   Sea snakes come in just about every pattern and colour imaginable.
   Like the sea snake, which has a flattened tail for swimming underwater, other animals have practically useful tails too.
   Small fish and eels beware! The venom of the sea snake works fast.
   They both have skinny, flexible bodies, but the eel is not related to the sea snake.
   Sea snakes often hide in holes. Keep that in mind if you’re out diving around coral reefs!
   Video: Although they’ve adapted to life at sea, these serpents are real snakes – and deadly ones, too. Like most wild animals, they’re not friendly. They prefer to swim alone.
   Advice: If you see anything that looks like a snake underwater, swim in the opposite direction! If you’re bitten by a sea snake, you may not be able to get to a hospital in time to save your life. This is a deadly snake.

Next: With a sea snake, it’s the venomous fangs you need to watch out for. With a stingray, the front end is safe; it’s the tail that can cause you pain.

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