Saturday 20 April 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Vulture

(Warm climates worldwide)

   Gliding on a rising column of warm air. Soaring far above the Earth. Oh, for the life of a vulture!
   Did you know that a few animals use tools? Just like people do.
   Although vultures prefer food that is already dead, many will also dine on rodents and baby birds.
   You don’t miss having feathers on your head if you have to stick it in a carcass to eat, like many vultures do!
   They may not be pretty, but vultures are pretty impressive!
   Small planes? No, giant birds! The Andean condor and the Californian condor are the largest vultures in the world.
   Video: From a high perch or from a high glide, vultures keep a sharp eye out for food. Once a meal has been spotted, it’s a race to see who can get there first, and who can eat the fastest.
   Advice: If you find yourself constantly surrounded by vultures, you might like to consider taking up an exercise programme. You’re obviously moving so slowly that they think you’re dead!

Next: The sight of vultures soaring through the skies gives some people the creeps. The same people would probably cover their necks if they spotted a vampire bat.

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