Wednesday 17 April 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Tales of Tails

   The element of surprise is essential for some creatures, like the puss moth caterpillar.
   Hiding yourself away is easy, if you’re all tail!
   Some creatures, like sharks, have a very interesting way of getting about.
   When caught by a predator, some animals simply fall apart and run away!
   Heads or tails? Well, for the thresher shark, a tail’s worth two heads anytime!
   Butterflies. Now, here’s a use for a tail that has probably never occurred to you!
   Some animals have very peculiar, and effective, weapons.
   Video: If you’re a runner, you can use a long tail to help keep your balance when you change direction. If you’re a tree-dweller, you can use your tail as a safety belt, to hang onto a branch while your paws are busy.
   Advice: When climbing trees, I’ve often wished for a tail. It would have saved me from a few quick trips to the ground, I can tell you!

Next: Some sharks have unusual tails. But there’s also one that has a very strange head.

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