Monday 15 April 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Cockroach

(Almost everywhere)

   A cockroach may look like a beetle, but it’s not. It doesn’t have a beetle’s hard wing cases.
   Cockroaches are an important source of food for many birds, reptiles, and other insects.
   A cockroach is an insect. But is an ant an insect? And what about a spider?
   Cockroaches have existed since before dinosaurs. But they’re not the only species that have been around that long.
   Many insects have antennae on their heads, to help them locate food and other animals.
   A cave full of dung? Cockroach heaven!
   Cockroaches can be helpful too. They eat garbage.
   Video: Cockroaches have been waste disposal experts for millions of years. They’ll eat anything that doesn’t crawl away, from garbage to their neighbour’s offspring.
   Advice: Trying to get rid of cockroaches? Store all your food in sealed containers, or do what I do: keep a big lizard around the house to eat the little pests.

Next: Many cockroaches will eat just about anything. The same can be said of some types of shark.

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