Tuesday 16 April 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Sharks

   Some sharks lay very interesting eggs.
   Now, here’s an idea: a flexible backbone! No wonder these animals are such great swimmers.
   How would you like to never have to visit a dentist again? Well, these fellows have the answer!
   Sharks are very sophisticated creatures. They have senses that humans just can’t match.
   Sharks might be powerful creatures, but they don’t always have it easy.
   Sharks and remoras have a very good relationship: “You scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours.”
   Different teeth for different needs. It’s all the same to the prey, however!
   The whale shark is the biggest shark in the ocean, but it’s also one of the most gentle.
   Video: Sharks live in a watery foreign world. They’re graceful, powerful and swift. Humans usually find these marine predators to be both fascinating and frightening.
   Advice: Some people have nightmares about sharks. Well, it’s good to be cautious, but let’s be realistic. There are millions more people eating sharks than sharks eating people.

Next: The angel shark uses its great tail to lift its bulk up off the ocean floor.

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