Saturday 13 April 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Crab

(Shallow saltwater and shorelines everywhere)

   It may be called a velvet crab, but it’s a fierce hunter.
   A male fiddler crab uses his big “fiddling” claw to protect his territory on the beach.
   Does this crab look like a piecrust to you? Well, it should, because that’s how it got its name!
   The king ragworm breathes through things that look like legs. Some of these worms grow to almost a metre in length.
   A discarded shell becomes a home to a hermit crab – and his guest, the ragworm.
   The crayfish, which is related to the crab and the lobster, can live only in clean rivers and lakes.
   Because of its soft body, the hermit crab has to borrow a discarded shell for protection.
   Video: Crabs. What are these strange-looking creatures up to? They’re climbing trees, making weird arm signals on the beach, and dancing with each other in the sand!
   Advice: Crabs are mostly scavengers. So while you’re on the beach, keep moving. If you lie still for too long, a crab may think you’re dead, and come up to take a bite!

Next: [See picture] This huge crab looks like a gigantic spider. What are the differences between crabs and spiders?

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