Monday 22 April 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Tasmanian Devil


   Wiped off the face of the Earth. The Tasmanian wolf, a relative of the Tasmanian devil.
   Australia has many dangerous animals. But most are no threat to humans.
   Primitive and unusual animals, like marsupials and monotremes, live in both Australia and New Guinea.
   You don’t have to be big to be fierce. Here’s just a sample of some aggressive little carnivores: badgers and weasels.
   Tasmania and Australia were once connected. That’s why they have so many animals in common.
   Video: When early Australian settlers heard nightly growls and screams, they thought the woods were filled with devils. That’s how these scrappy little animals got their name.
   Advice: The Tasmanian devil’s vicious temper exists only in cartoons. They’re really very shy creatures that snarl and growl only when threatened. But if someone backed me into a corner, I suppose I’d get fairly touchy as well.

Next: A Tasmanian devil has a reputation for being pretty mean. So does an African warthog.

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