Sunday 7 April 2013

Dangerous Creatures: The Web of Life

   Some small creatures live with bigger ones. Why? To get food, of course.
   A lot of creatures eat only plants. And their teeth are designed for their diet.
   Many animals, like this snail, take something from their world and give something back. That’s the way it ought to be, don’t you think?
   Sometimes, different kinds of animals are each other’s best friends and help each other out, like clownfish and sea anemones, or gobies and moray eels.
   Relationships in the animal world can be very complex. Just look at mosquitoes, for example.
   It’s quite a menu in the animal kingdom! There’s always a particular part of a plant or animal for everyone’s taste.
   Some characters will eat just about anything. Have you ever known anyone like that?
   What do you do if you’re food for many predators? Have a lot of babies!
   Not all creatures that help out our planet are pleasant to think about. But they all do their part.
   Video: The male with the biggest set of horns or antlers is usually the strongest. To prove it, he has to bash heads or wrestle with rival males.
   Advice: Some animals seem to exist only to be eaten. Well, when you think about it, that is a very important job. I don’t think I’ll apply for the position, though!

   Following this in the program is a game called Who Eats Whom?: The lives of wild animals are interconnected with the plants and animals around them. If we want to protect animals, we need to know how they live and what they eat.
   What’s coming tomorrow follows that: Some predators will eat a wide variety of prey. The platypus eats not only many different types of food, but also consumes large quantities of it every day.

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