Wednesday 27 March 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Killer Whale (Orca)

(Sub-Arctic and Sub-Antarctic seas)

   The orca is actually a dolphin.
   Orcas lurk in the water to hunt. They sometimes even lunge onto a beach or an ice floe to catch their prey.
   Here’s some of what might be served on an orca’s seafood platter: mackerel, squid, dolphins and sea lions.
   What a way for a killer whale to send a message! It’s known as “breaching”.
   Ichthyosaurs. Here’s an idea of what squids had to avoid during prehistoric times.
   As many as fifty orcas live in one pod. They travel and hunt together, bound together for life.
   Video: An orca stalks its prey not only at sea, but sometimes on the shore. After catching a seal, an orca may play with it like a cat with a mouse.
   Advice: Killer whales (orcas) rarely attack people. So unless you spend a lot of time swimming with salmon, penguins or seals, you’re safe.

Next: Orcas may look like fish, but they’re actually mammals. Isn’t it amazing to think that there are some warm-blooded, air-breathing animals that live their entire lives in the oceans?

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