Sunday 10 March 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Giant Squid

(Ocean depths worldwide)

   Who eats the squid? Dolphins, orca whales, sea lions and humans, among others.
   Squids, octopi and cuttlefish are called “cephalopods”, which means “head-foot” animals.
   Squids can change colour and pattern in a flash. They may do it to hide, or to talk to other squids.
   Whales eat them, but the giant squid puts up a good fight.
   Squid nurseries can be huge. Fertilising and laying eggs is a group activity.
   Video: Most squids and cuttlefish are small creatures that would attack only tiny fish. But a few giants have been dredged up from the ocean depths.
   Advice: Giant squids are found only in very deep water. If you’re down in a submarine and see one, stay inside. Even if you got out, you wouldn’t have a chance to wrestle with the monster. The water pressure would get you first.

Next: How would you like to run into a giant squid when you’re diving? Or would you prefer a great white shark?

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