Friday 22 March 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Cape Buffalo


   The front legs and hooves of the Cape buffalo are very strong. They have to be, to carry all that weight!
   As we can see here with buffalo and oxpeckers, some very different creatures can live together quite well.
   Asian buffalos love the water. That’s why they’re called water buffalos.
   Sharp horns and hooves are the features of the Cape buffalo that deter would-be predators.
   Bison. Hunted for food and for sport, these North American animals barely escaped extinction.
   Bulls fight to protect their territory; that is a part of nature. But people make bulls fight for entertainment.
   Video: An African buffalo pays no attention to an oxpecker cleaning its face. But if a human approaches, the buffalo may decide to charge. It’s best to keep your distance from a herd.
   Advice: These are not tame cattle! Cape buffalos have killed people. When you’re on safari, stay in the vehicle.

Next: One predator that a Cape buffalo is likely to meet on the African savannah is the Cape hunting dog.

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