Thursday 14 March 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Piranha

(South America)

   A rainforest is a beautiful place. But you’ve got to watch your step.
   Even with their eyes closed, fish can sense what’s going on around them.
   Piranhas’ teeth are designed to slice off just one bite. A barracuda’s teeth snag the whole victim.
   A lone barracuda is actually more of a threat than an entire school of them!
   Video: A single piranha is not much of a threat to a swimming animal. But a hungry school of piranhas, each fish armed with razor-sharp teeth, can quickly reduce a victim to nothing in seconds.
   Advice: Piranhas are more likely to attack when water levels are really low and they are concentrated into small areas. So, never go wading in small pools in South America during the dry season, all right?

Next: A piranha is a small fish with big teeth. For a big fish with big teeth, try a barracuda.

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