Monday 11 March 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Great White Shark

(Tropical, subtropical and temperate seas worldwide)

   Twenty thousand teeth in one lifetime! A shark is nothing less than a tooth factory, with rows of replacement teeth always at the ready.
   A chainmail suit protects a diver against a shark’s bite, but not from bruises or broken bones.
   Clever and careful. The great white shark closes in on its prey with a spiralling pattern.
   When you eat fish and chips, you may be eating a type of shark! Sharks provide other types of food, also.
   Here, we’re caging people for a change! In this way, sharks and people can both get a good look at each other.
   Video: Sharks have lived on earth since dinosaur times, and they haven’t changed much for millions of years. Streamlined, powerful predators, they’re perfectly suited for life in the sea.
   Advice: If you see a shark fin surface near you while you’re swimming, don’t panic and start splashing around. Just swim steadily towards the beach, repeating, “Jaws was just a movie. Jaws was just a movie.”

Next: Sharks have been on the earth for hundreds of millions of years. They were among the first prehistoric predators.

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