Saturday 9 March 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Danger in the Depths

   When you’re in the ocean, be careful. Things are not always what they seem. If you don’t believe me, just ask the angel shark!
   If you live in the dark, it helps to have a built-in flashlight.
   If you’re an uninvited guest in somebody’s territory, you’d better have a little protection.
   Barracudas don’t just have razor-sharp teeth: they’re also clever.
   When there’s not much food around, it becomes necessary to develop some fairly bizarre features just to catch what there is.
   With some creatures, be careful when you give a hand out. You might just be out of a hand!
   It can’t be much fun to see a mouth like this coming at you! Meet Mr Mouth, the gulper eel!
   Some animals get along well with people. But sometimes, it’s best to keep your distance. Best for you, and for the animal.
   Video: Scientists used to think that not much lived in the cold and darkness of the ocean depths. But the more we explore, the more we discover that amazing creatures live down there.
   Advice: It may be the same planet, but the ocean depths are definitely a different world than the one above water. Glow-in-the-dark fish, things with giant heads… It’s extremely unusual and very interesting down there.

Next: Who knows how many creatures live in the depths of the ocean? One that scientists suspect might be down there is the giant squid.

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