Saturday 16 March 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Lionfish

(Western Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Red Sea)

   It may look beautiful, but the mandarin fish scares off predators with a sharp dorsal spine, and a nasty taste and smell.
   The stonefish may look like a lump of coral, but it’s the most dangerous type of scorpionfish.
   Lots of names in the branches of this family! A lionfish can be a zebrafish, can be a scorpionfish.
   The lionfish hides a venomous spine in each delicate ray. It’s beautiful, but it can be deadly.
   Be careful of hidden spines in the ocean floor!
   The lionfish is not alone when it comes to sharp, nasty surprises. Meet the John Dory and the surgeonfish.
   Video: Lionfish are called many different things, including firefish, zebrafish and devilfish. Some people call it a turkeyfish, because of the way it spreads its fins.
   Advice: Do not walk barefoot in tropical seas where you can’t see the bottom clearly. You may accidentally kick a lionfish, or step on something even worse.

Next: To keep a predator from biting you, you might find it a good idea to wear sharp spines on your back, like a lionfish. Better still, wear spines all over your body and puff up, like a porcupine fish.

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