Sunday 3 March 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Snapping Turtle

(North, Central and South America)

   It’s hard to hide inside your shell when your head’s too big to fit. So, it might be wiser to attack.
   Here’s the turtle. But what’s the mystery underneath that shell?
   Is a tortoise the same as a turtle? Is a turtle the same as a terrapin?
   In two hundred million years, turtles have not changed much. Except now, we don’t have any as big as the huge Archelon.
   The big-headed turtle can easily live up to its name. It can’t pull its head inside its shell.
   Shells. Many sizes, many shapes. It all depends on where you live, if you’re a turtle.
   Video: The beach can be a dangerous place for sea turtles. The female comes out of the water, and digs a nest in which to lay her eggs. After hatching, the babies run for their lives to the water’s edge.
   Advice: Don’t walk barefoot in muddy ponds. A snapper might mistake one of your toes for a fish. It’s not a very good idea to wade anywhere where the bottom is not visible. Who knows what might be down there?

Next: The snapping turtle is famous for its powerful jaws. Army ants earned their reputation for the same reason.

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