Monday 4 March 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Army Ant

(Africa, India, Central and South America, Australia, tropical Asia)

   Groups of ants called colonies share work and food.
   Ants, bees and wasps all belong to a group called Hymenoptera.
   Ants have good reason to fear anteaters. Anteaters have sharp claws and long, sticky tongues.
   Thousands of army ants carry their queen in a living nest made of their own bodies, even bridging water.
   Some insects live in colonies ruled by a queen. Other females are workers, and will never lay eggs.
   Many insects, like wasps and termites, build elaborate nests.
   Video: Soldier ants are part of a continuously moving army, of hundreds or even thousands of ants. Any animal that doesn’t move out of their way is quickly reduced to a skeleton by the army’s attack.
   Advice: No need to lie awake at night, worrying about army ants. They have fairly short legs, and you can easily outrun them. If they enter your house, take a holiday for a few days – and take your pets with you.

Next: Army ants can be frightening, but they’re easily outrun. However, it’s not as easy to get away from killer bees.

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