Tuesday 19 March 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Tricks and Traps

   Lions hunt in a group. It’s all for one and one for all. And it usually works.
   With the death adder and the alligator snapping turtle, it’s curiosity that kills their prey.
   If you’re a jaguar, speed isn’t enough to catch your prey. You need a camouflage coat, too.
   Quite a few animals are great actors. To avoid predators, they play the role of a dangerous creature.
   Some creatures have a very simple way of catching prey: they shock them.
   If you don’t want to be eaten, sometimes it’s best to play dead.
   Some creatures don’t have to work for their dinner. They just sit back and wait for it to stroll by.
   Video: If you’re a small frog, it pays to have a trick or two. [See picture] This one not only puffs up to a much larger size, but also has “eyes” on its backside, to confuse an attacker!
   Advice: Whether they’re underwater or on land, animals can be very tricky. My cat likes to hide behind the curtain and ambush me as I walk by. I’m certainly glad he’s not a leopard!

Next: Both predators and prey alike use all kinds of tricks and traps. What kind of sneaky things might a tiger do?

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