Tuesday 12 March 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Prehistoric Predators

   If you’ve ever seen a small plane in the sky, imagine something that size, but alive. That’s how big some pterosaurs were!
   Do you have a cat at home? Well then, say hello to one of its ancestors!
   The legs make the difference between reptiles and dinosaurs.
   They were a lot bigger then, but Archelon and Ichthyosaurus looked very similar to some of today’s sea-dwellers.
   Do you think the African elephant is large? Well, just take a look at this ancient creature, Diplodocus!
   For reminders of the ancient past, take a look at bison, wolves and bears.
   Does a cockroach give you the creeps? Well, imagine one a hundred times larger!
   Did you think that all dinosaurs looked like T-Rex? Well, look at these gentle giants: Triceratops, Kentrosaurus and Tsintaosaurus.
   Some say the dinosaurs didn’t die out. Their descendants might be flying around right above our heads.
   Video 1: Although plant-eating dinosaurs like Triceratops had armour and spikes for protection, they were probably still attacked by the biggest meat-eaters, like the terrifying Tyrannosaurus Rex.
   Video 2: Through the ages, people have had a lot of strange ideas about animals. In movies, we show them as giant monsters that are out to get people. That’s not real life. That’s show business.
   Advice: People are relatively big, powerful animals. But it’s a good thing dinosaurs are not around today. We would only be quick mouthful for the many meat-eaters that lived back then!

Next: The dinosaurs are extinct. But a few animals that lived in dinosaur times are still around today. The crocodile is one such animal.

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